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6 reasons for visa rejection in Australia

Now that you’re studying in Australia let’s talk about your motivation. It’s been a while since you’ve decided between the best places to live, compared the best universities in Australia, scoured student housing, and picked out your funky exchange student wardrobe.

That’s fine and dandy. The only requirement for studying in Australia is a student visa. There are many requirements now for obtaining a student visa. If you want to receive that coveted stamp of approval, you’re going to have to tick them off.

What is the best way to pass your visa test? Try simple things. Your visa needs to be defended. Don’t let your guard down against rejection. Put up a barrier against refusal. Make sure that you are following the student visa process closely.

Until you know how to avoid pitfalls, you can’t achieve that. Now, let’s learn what the top 7 visa application mistakes are and how to avoid them. Prepare an application that’s impervious to rejection.


Let’s get started. Getting a clear education plan in Australia is critical if you don’t already have one. You should do this if you want to show you are a genuine, one-of-a-kind exchange student. Neither swindlers nor wannabes are welcome.

Passing the GTE is one of the essential requirements for applying for a visa in this case. As an integrity measure, Genuine Temporary Entrants (GTE) are required in Australia. Essentially, it examines whether your student visa program is intended for studying rather than snatching up some ongoing residency in Australia.

GTE is a government-sponsored test designed to identify those who will not use Australia’s student visa program for educational purposes. This kind of test asks, ‘In what ways are you motivated to learn?’.

Documentary proof is required from applicants to show that they are coming to Australia for the sake of knowledge and wisdom. GTE requirements are addressed in your statement (in English, Google translate can assist you).

A statement, as well as supporting documents, must accompany your application. If an application without any supporting documents and a generic comment (don’t be boring), it won’t be farewell.

GTE candidates must also take into account their circumstances. Personal circumstances are assessed based on the following factors:

  • Factors that prevent studying in the country of residence or the country of residence; include economic conditions and political and civil unrest.
  • Factors to consider in Australia include the course and education provider’s knowledge level, previous study/qualifications, and planned accommodation arrangements.
  • An applicant’s future value of the course; Consistency of the system with applicant’s education level, expected remuneration in the home country gaining from the qualification from the study.
  • A background check of an applicant’s immigration history, including past visa applications to Australia and other countries (i.e. past rejections/cancellations). Why did your past applications fall short?



It is to be expected that this requirement will exist. A student visa is only available to people who qualify as students. You must have completed the academic level required to continue studying.

Course, level of education, and university requirements for academic entry will vary depending on what methods you hope to study and what level of education you have.

The requirements differ from one university to another. If you’re not sure whether you’re qualified, make sure you read the course information carefully (always the fine print!) on their website.

You may not qualify, but here are some tips on how to proceed. A course/university that will suit your needs can be found on the internet. You may also consider taking a Foundation or Bridging course to meet the requirements and if you want to attend that university and course.

The course lasts about one year and helps you meet all entry requirements. We’re honest here. It is very doable to complete your dream exchange program in one year.


You will need to know the language. If you are planning to study in an English-speaking country, you will need to know the language. You must demonstrate your English language proficiency for your student visa to be approved.

It is common for most applicants to submit the results of an English proficiency test and their visa applications. Besides international students who speak English, this condition also applies to foreign exchange students who don’t.

There are different levels of language proficiency.

From university to university, you will be required to have different English language skills. These requirements can also be different from those for the student visas they are applying for. For more information about the English language level required at your university, please visit the Department of Home Affairs website as well.

IELTS or an equivalent test are aced either way. Once your proficiency has been improved, and you’ve reached your target score, what’s next? Another task is completed, and you’re on your way to passing the most significant test: your visa approval.

When applying for your visa, documents supporting your English language proficiency and verifiable proof that you are eligible for an exemption are all required.


Do you know the saying, “Money doesn’t matter”? You’d be wrong if you wanted to buy a yacht. It would surely help when planning to get a student visa. The first step to obtaining that yacht, or shortly getting that visa approved (hopefully yes), is to satisfy specific financial requirements.
The government will not accept a no-answer. Present the money instead. Money is a significant reason the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) denies immigration applications.

It is mandatory for anyone applying for a student visa to demonstrate they can finance their studies in Australia. To ensure you can pay your way through your exchange, you’ll need to submit documents that prove your financial stability.

What will the cost be? What damage has occurred? Students must currently demonstrate that they have a living expense budget of approximately $AUD20,000 annually, though this can change at any time (usually in an upward direction).

Students aspiring to this level of funding need to provide documentation that proves they have this amount. Now is the time for people to start saving. You will be unceremoniously turned away if your bank account does not have enough funds.


Finally, concerning the ‘failed visa’ department, it is one of the biggest and perhaps most pointless failures not to provide all of your required documentation. You need to sort this out!
Organizing yourself is key to ensuring you comply with all visa requirements and submit all documentation to substantiate your claims. You may even make the slightest mistake and result in the rejection of your visa application. For example, forgetting to include a health clearance document or a policy code.

You should browse the Department of Home Affairs website to ensure you’ve provided all the necessary documentation and information. Make sure you read through your application carefully and clear up any errors or omissions.


In some cases, immigration officers also refuse visa applications during the interview session. Typically, this occurs when a student hasn’t answered the interview questions honestly and hasn’t provided satisfactory responses as to why they want to study in Australia. An interviewer must honestly and accurately answer all the questions and meet all the requirements.

A study abroad experience can be enriching. Therefore, you should be as serious as you can be about your visa application. If you are applying, make sure all documentation is attached, you have all required clearances, and all requirements are met when you fill out the application. After your student visa application is submitted, you must respond to all DIBP requests. Keeping in touch, staying organized, and staying vigilant is critical! It’s time to get our visas sorted out.

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