Suite 37, Level 2 , 1 Railway Parade, Burwood NSW 2134

Study in Australia

We aim to maintain a high level of counseling (education and migration) and students recruitment for Australia and India.

Tips for choosing the right education agent

Once you have selected the institution of your choice and if you want to use an agent, please check with the institution for a list of its authorised education agents.

A list of qualified education agents who have a good knowledge of the Australian education system, visa requirements and life in Australia can be viewed at

When you have decided on your course of study, you must sign a written agreement with the education provider before you pay any course money. The written agreement is a very important contract between you and the education provider which sets out the course you will be enrolled in; enrolment conditions; the fees you need to pay, and the refund payable if you don’t complete your course with that provider.

Read the written agreement carefully before you sign it and make sure that you understand all your rights, including the refund arrangements.

All applications for student visas and permanent residency are assessed by the Australian Government. The agents cannot guarantee that you will obtain a visa or permanent residency. Do not use agents who guarantee that you will obtain a student visa, or permanent residence and guarantee that you will be able to get work in Australia readily with a high salary.

Migration advice

In Australia, only Migration Agents can give advice in relation to migration/visa-related issues. Do not use education agents for migration advice, unless they are also Registered, Migration Agents.

Migration agents are bound by a Code of Conduct and are required to have an in-depth knowledge of Australian migration law and procedure and meet high professional and ethical standards.

For an updated list of agents registered with MARA, visit its website

Also, make sure that you have a written agreement from the college/ institution before paying any fees; this will be essential if there is any dispute.

Why study abroad?

There are many benefits for going overseas for your further study, such as:

  1. You see new things, meet new people, learn about different cultures, values, and lifestyles, and settle into a new routine. Thus, study abroad is the perfect way to inject some energy and excitement into your life.
  2. This whole experience provides you with the opportunity to gain a different perspective, not only on academic subjects but also the way of life i.e., how you look at yourself and your world.
  3. You push your boundaries and challenge yourself. You get exposed to a whole new world; you adapt to changes and gain invaluable life skills. Thus, you change and grow as a person in ways you could not if you stay at home. experiencing the downs with the ups, and coming through a stronger, more confident, and more culturally aware person.
  4. Studying abroad sets you ahead of your peers in the eyes of graduate schools and employers. It highlights your sense of adventure, independence, cultural sensitivity, and worldliness.
  5. You learn to work as part of a team, to communicate effectively with others, and to develop the practical skills and intellectual abilities you need for global success.
  6. The excellent research opportunities and the associated career benefits are equally attractive. Countries like Australia offer graduate visas to international students to enable graduates to find a relevant job in Australia and gain Australian work experience.
  7. An international degree also commands a better pay package.

Planning ahead

The sooner you start thinking about studying abroad, the more prepared you’ll be when the time to leave home comes around.  Planning and research are two crucial parts that you need to spend time on when you are thinking of studying abroad.

Before you make your decision to come to Australia for further study, you should collect all the relevant information you need to make an informed decision, such as a description of the course offered, the environment, the teaching methods, facilities, minimum English language proficiency, etc.

You should also ensure that the course is right for you, the institution offering the course has a good reputation, the course fees and costs of living are affordable to you. Also, you must know your rights and obligations as an international student in Australia.

Reason to choose Australia as an education destination
Australia is one of the most preferred education destinations in the world where more and more international students are coming for pursuing higher studies, and even more so for gaining vocational skills.

Quality of education

Australia is an English speaking country. Australian universities rank among the world’s best and 8 out of top 100 top universities in the world are in Australia.

Australia’s education system is regulated by the commonwealth laws and every course offered in a university has CRICOS Code which is given by Australian Government reflecting that the education system is fully controlled by the Government in Australia. Every year the Australian government evaluates the universities to make sure they are maintaining their high standards of the education.  However, there is no formal ranking of universities in Australia.

Australia promotes innovative, creative and independent thinking, meaning you have the freedom to choose a path that suits your particular goals during study in Australia. The courses offered by the Australian universities are practical oriented and prepares you for the job market.

Multicultural society

Australia has a large multicultural population: approximately 23 per cent of the population is foreign born and 40 per cent are mixed cultural origins. Australia considers its cultural diversity one of its greatest strengths.  

Australia has, for the last couple of decades, been very welcoming to people from other cultures, countries and backgrounds. While you are studying in Australia, you will have a positive experience of living and studying in Australia.

Employment opportunity

Australia is one of the developed nations in the world with high growth. It offers one of the best social security systems in the world to its citizens. The strong economy with its abundant physical resources and low unemployment rate has offered Australians a high standard of living since the nineteenth century.

For many international students with the appropriate visa, it is possible to supplement their studies and the cost of living with some part time work. You are legally permitted to work a maximum of 20 hours a week while the course is in session (excluding any work undertaken as a registered component of your course of study or training) week and full-time during holidays this opportunity available for international student. This will give you an opportunity to meet new people and experience what it is like to work in Australia gain work experience.


Australians are known for their relaxed lifestyle.  This is great news for students hoping to improve their studies in a laid back environment.

The country is very big but the population is less than 25 million. Australia also enjoys an international reputation for being safe and friendly. You feel safe in Australia when you see many people from your own race, religion and background already enjoying their life mingling in this large multicultural community. 5 out of 30 best student cities in the world are in Australia.

The climate of Australia is pleasant and you have many unqiue travel choices to different exciting cities within the country where you will certainly enjoy your holidays or universities/colleges break.


When it comes to costs, Australia compares favourably with other top destination countries for international students.

In comparison to countries such as the United States and the UK, the costs of tuition and education in Australia are significantly less. The benefit is not only those international students are required to pay less, they also receive an education that is one of the world’s finest.

Estimates are as under:

Living expenses:    A$18,160 per year
Course fee:     A$12,000 – 35,000 per year
Course duration:    3-4 years for undergraduate courses; and
1 or more years for postgraduate courses

As an international student in Australia, you must have sufficient financial resources or support you during your stay in Australia. You must note that it is NOT possible for a student to earn enough to either pay tuition fees or meet all expenses.


As an international student, it is a condition of your student visa that you have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for entire duration of your study in Australia. In addition to the Health Insurance, you may also need to consider insuring any valuables or expensive electronic items that you may possess.

On your arrival –  Bringing goods in to Australia

Please remember that your entire luggage are x-rayed or screened on arrival. You must declare all food, plant material and animal products for quarantine inspection. If you fail to declare or dispose of any quarantine items or make false declarations you will be caught. You could be fined on-the-spot; or you could be prosecuted and fined. You will not be penalised if goods are declared.

After you arrive in Australia – Settling Down

On arrival, you should convey by means of an e-mail or a letter, to the High Commission/Consulate, your contact details, including name and address, the name of the university/ educational institution you are studying in, details of the course you are joining, and the duration of your intended stay in Australia.

Opportunity to Migrate to Australia permanently

After successfully completion of some courses, you may be eligible to apply for permanent residence in Australia. Should this be something that they would like to do, a number of international students are able to apply for permanent residence in Australia and make this the country in which they permanently live and work.

Australian skilled migration system is a point based system. If you complete your studies successfully (for 2 years?) you may claim 5 points for Australian education when applying for permanent residency in Australia. In addition, you might be awarded extra 5 points in your permanent residence application if you are sponsored by a State or qualify to migrate to regional Australia after successfully completing the course undertaken.

The Australian government will do its own research and generates a list of occupation who are qualified to apply for permanent residence.

To sum up, while overseas study is expensive, Australia is more affordable than most other destinations and offers a high standard of quality education, excellent living condition and a tolerant multicultural society.
Other important things for you to understand:

Recommended websites

International students’ rights and obligations

You are advised to visit the above websites to familiarise themselves with:-

  • your legal rights as a student and all the relevant rules and regulations that  apply to you;
  • the standards prescribed for registered providers (university/college etc.) and education agents, so that you can check with the university/college as well as the education agents about the compliance of these standards and requirements, including student support services, including critical incident policy and complaints and appeals processes; and
  • the relevant immigration rules and regulations that will govern your life as a student in Australia, including work rights and those rules that will apply to you if you choose to stay on in this country after finishing your studies to seek permanent residency.

Dispute resolution body

Many students come to Australia with the aim of obtaining vocational education and also with the primary goal of becoming permanent residents in Australia. You should also be aware of your rights as an international student in Australia as also whom to approach if things go wrong.

You may encounter with problems such as issues surrounding fees and refunds, course progress or attendance, the cancellation of enrolments or accommodation or work arranged by providers.

The Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 along with its associated legislative instruments provides the Australian regulatory framework that governs the delivery of education and training services to foreign students in Australia.
ESOS Act protects the interest of overseas students.

If these issues cannot be resolved with the educational providers directly, you may apply to resolve the disputes with assistance of Ombudsman. The ombudsman services are free, independent and impartial.