Suite 37, Level 2 , 1 Railway Parade, Burwood NSW 2134


Director’s Message

As a Founder and Director, I am pleased to welcome you. ABK Consultancy has been set up in Sydney by a team of solicitors, migration agents, and education consultants.

From day one, I, along with my team, am determined to establish ABK Consultancy as one of the most professional and successful education and migration consulting services providers. We have set our standards high and will have to achieve our goal with all our collective and cooperative efforts. We have realised the challenges ahead but determined to achieve what we believe in. In pursuance of these objectives, the consultancy is developing partnerships with the leading education institutions and universities in Australia and India.

ABK Consultancy is committed towards delivering the valued education and migration services. Our consultants possess in-depth industry knowledge. Our team is able to offer you objective assessment on your eligibility to migrate Australia and lead you through the comprehensive migration process.

I extend my warm invitation to you to visit ABK Consultancy to interact with our experts
and experience the difference.

I look forward seeing you all.

Warm regards,
Bhawani Poudel



Our Team

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Kushal Bhattarai



Uni­ver­sity of New South Wales-LLM
Uni­ver­sity of Tech­nol­ogy Syd­ney- Ju­ris Doc­tor
So­lic­i­tor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales

Kushal is a qual­i­fied so­lic­i­tor and mi­gra­tion agent. He holds a post­grad­u­ate law de­gree from Uni­ver­sity of Tech­nol­ogy, Syd­ney. Kushal pro­vides pro­fes­sional, cost ef­fec­tive and clear mi­gra­tion ad­vice to his clients. He also speaks Nepali and Hindi.

While study­ing at Uni­ver­sity of Tech­nol­ogy, Syd­ney, Kushal worked as a re­search as­sis­tant for a PhD stu­dent and as­sisted in re­search in the area of “refugee law and Aus­trali­a’s role”. He ac­quired un­der­stand­ing in Aus­trali­a’s Mi­gra­tion Laws and Reg­u­la­tions. Kushal was ac­tively in­volved in Peer Men­tor­ing Pro­gram at UTS and also was a mem­ber of In­ter­na­tional Stu­dents Li­ai­son Com­mit­tee.

Kushal over­sees in­ter­na­tional re­la­tions with our over­seas ed­u­ca­tion in­sti­tutes and part­ners. His prag­matic busi­ness skills have en­sured that the ser­vice for ABK Con­sul­tancy is not com­pro­mised.

His ex­pe­ri­ence in busi­ness man­age­ment and ex­ten­sive knowl­edge in area of ed­u­ca­tion and mi­gra­tion sys­tem in Aus­tralia has en­sured that ABK Consultancy t/as Western Educational Services Pty Ltd ex­pands in a rapid pace.



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Bhawani Poudel


Registered Migration Agent (MARN   1808068)

Masters of Professional  Accounting-University of Ballarat (Australia )
Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law -Victoria University  (Australia)

Bachelor of Management- Tribhuvan University (Nepal)
Qualified Assessor (Australia )
Qualified Education Agent Counsellor (K-073) (Australia )

Bhawani has been actively involved in Australian education and migration industry for mor than a decade . Prior to establishing this company, he worked for one of the prominent education and migration firm for more than five years as a senior Accountant and an  education Counsellor . Since then, Bhawani has been advising international student and dealing with Australian education providers in regular basis as well the Administrative functions. Bhawani is a multilingual and speaks Nepali and Hindi.

Before commencing his career in the educational industry, he has worked overseas as an Accounts Teacher, Banker and has worked in Accountant in Australia.

His international and local experience with diversified business on different levels from middle to senior management has helped ABK Consultancy to expand both locally and internationally.



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Arjun KC

Education :MBA  CQU

Senior Qualified Education Agent Counsellors (QEAC-L335)

Stu­dents Li­ai­son Man­ager

Skills: Well ex­pe­ri­enced in abroad study coun­selling as well as Ed­u­ca­tiononal Busi­ness Mar­ket­ing since eight years in dif­fer­ent or­ga­ni­za­tion ( Step Up Ed­u­ca­tional Con­sul­tancy Pvt. Ltd., Peace­ful Ed­u­ca­tional In­sti­tute Pvt. Ltd., Pep­sikola Tu­tion Cen­ter Pvt. Ltd. etc. )

Ar­jun KC has been in­volved in these ed­u­ca­tional ser­vices since 2006 in Nepal as a dy­namic, in­tel­li­gent and hon­est em­ployee in KIC . He mi­grated to Aus­tralia for fur­ther stud­ies in 2009, and Grad­u­ated in Mas­ter of Busi­ness Ad­min­is­tra­tion from CQUni­ver­sity .As a ver­sa­tile per­son­al­ity, he has work ex­pe­ri­ence in dif­fer­ent sec­tor such as busi­ness, ed­u­ca­tion and ad­min­is­tra­tion man­age­ment. He was a State Co­or­di­na­tion Coun­cil (2015-17) NSW Executive Member of NRNA Aus­tralia and re­cently he is Elected as a Deputy Coordinator of NRNA SCC NSW Aus­tralia for 2017-19 tenure . and also vol­un­tar­ily in­volved in many char­ity and so­cial ac­tiv­i­ties such as Vice-President of Dhad­ing Aus­tralia So­ci­ety , founder member of Nepalese Aus­tralian Youth As­so­ci­a­tion and Treasurer of Nepali Peo­ples Co­or­di­na­tion Com­mit­tee ,Aus­tralia .He has ac­tive par­tic­i­pa­tion in all these or­gan­i­sa­tion ,as a loyal ,out­stand­ing per­for­mance ,tal­ent speaker ,ded­i­ca­tion and hard­work­ing he has been able to de­velop good rep­u­ta­tion in the so­ci­ety . Re­cently he has ap­pointed for the po­si­tion as a Public Officer in NADF or­gan­i­sa­tion. As very ac­tive per­sons he has in­ter­est on fit­ness and sports.

Mr KC joint ABK Con­sul­tancy T/​as Western Educational Services Pty Ltd in 2016 Aus­tralia, he has per­formed out­stand­ing role as a Stu­dent Li­ai­son Man­ager (QEAC-L335) and work col­lab­o­ra­tively as a cre­ative team. Our core val­ues are qual­ity ser­vices, in­tegrity in con­duct, trans­parency and mu­tual re­spect. This con­sul­tancy pro­vides ex­cel­lence ser­vices in abroad study coun­selling, fo­cus on stu­den­t’s em­pow­er­ment, cre­ates friendly en­vi­ron­ments, and pro­vides ac­tual in­for­ma­tion to stu­dents. The staffs in here are in­no­v­a­tive, ex­pe­ri­enced and ded­i­cated to these pro­fes­sions.